2-Minute Date Ideas

Do you ever feel like you are around your partner a lot, but it's not quality time? Are you focused on other areas instead of giving your full attention to your partner? Do you feel too busy, pull in too many directions? Well, it may be time for a 2-Minute Date!

Below are some micro date ideas, to have small moments of connection with your partner. Knowing your love language and how you enjoying playing/connecting with your partner, you can think of tiny ways to squeeze those moments into your day.

  • Slow Dance - Put on a classic/funny/deep bass song and slow dance to it.
  • Gratitude - Share why you are grateful for them.
  • Make-out - Self explanatory. Make it a game by kissing to the beat of a song. 
  • Ask a Question - What are you curious about in them that isn't around logistics? Check out these great conversation starter and relationship centered questions for inspiration.
  • Massage - Each other's hands, shoulders, feet, etc. Head scratches are also welcomed.
  • Invent a Hug/Greeting - Come up with a hug or greeting neither one of you has done before
  • Ground - Go put your feet in nature, go outside.
  • Walk - Hold hands and walk around your kitchen, the block, etc. 
  • If you really  knew me
  • Deep Eye Gaze - Sit face to face and put a hand on your own chest and partner’s. Take it a step further by leaning in so close together that your foreheads and the bridge of your noses are touching.
  • Truth or Dare - Play 1 round of Truth or Dare.
  • Blind Taste Tests - Have them close their eyes, grab something random from your kitchen, and feed it to them. Let them guess what is in their mouth!
  • Play a Game - Who can knock the other person off balance first? Who can keep a straight face while trying to make the other person smile first? Think back to childhood games old and new, get competitive!