Mental Health Toolkit

Sometimes we are overwhelmed by an emotion and it’s hard in the moment to find a healthy way to cope. I created a Google doc called my “Mental Health Toolkit” as a way to recognize and remember what are my proven healthy coping strategies. If I start going through the things on this list, I do feel better.

This is just my a small portion of my toolkit as an example, but yours will look different. I'm not saying what I do will be right for you; you have to explore and understand what helps you. What are the feelings/states that you regularly find yourself in and how can you take care of yourself when you feel that way?

Can’t Sleep

  • Read a physical book
  • Journal all the thoughts swimming in my head
  • Self massage including temples, jaw, neck and shoulders
  • Biannual beats meditation
  • Progressive muscle relaxation (ie start at feet and tense each muscle group a few times until you reach your head)
  • Count gratitudes (like you would count sheep)


  • Do an inversion (like bridge pose) and/or a balance pose (to focus attention elsewhere)
  • Journal - even if it’s bullet points on your phone or a post it note - just release it
  • Breathwork
  • Stop, take a deep breath and think about what I truly need in the moment. Am I too consumed by the feelings and need to find a different environment to be in right now?
  • To decompress and share, try acting out how you are feeling rather than explaining the details of a situation. For example, express that traffic made you feel “urgh” rather than explain the situation.

Too Tired

  • Breathwork  
  • Go outside, walk, change surroundings
  • Smell peppermint essential oil
  • Do some light yoga/stretching 
  • Caffeinated tea
  • Cold shower


  • Journal
  • Talk to a loved one
  • Dance to “Shake it Off” by Taylor Swift while physically shaking and dancing as hard as possible
  • Embrace and feel into the feeling, don’t try to suppress it
  • Shower or bath 
  • Ask: what can you take that is positive from the experience?